Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A New Sunday School Year -Week 1

Note: This is an old post that for some reason never got published.

Welcome to the new Sunday School Year! I will be blogging about all the things going on this year one week at a time. I am starting a little late for week one, so you will see two blogs this week, one for September 5th through the 11th and another for September 12th through 18th.

The Sunday School year began with our first ever Kick-off Event on September 1st. I first went over plans and goals for the new Sunday School year with the leaders at our Leadership Meeting. After that, we all enjoyed a wonderful fellowship meal before heading over to the sanctuary for the Commissioning Service with our special guest speaker Jimmy Blanton. The service was great, and the message was clear, we must become outreach minded in our Sunday School.The purpose of the Sunday School is to reach, teach, and minister to people. We do a good job with the other two, now let's make this third objective a priority this year.

For everyone who went to the kick-off, please pick up an evaluation sheet in the foyer, fill it out, and return it to the designated box located under the table by the end of the month so we can do an even better job next year!

We will have many things to discuss at our Sunday Morning Meetings starting again this Sunday in the meeting room.(formerly the College & Career classroom) From State Missions to reporting contacts we will begin communicating the things that are being done and that need to be done to make this year successful. The meetings will start at 9:15.

I will be making my contacts this week, and I hope you will be too.

See you Sunday everybody!

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Sunday School Report July 2012

Monthly Report
June 2012

• Enrollment: 129 (down 12%)
• 3 New Members: 2 Children, 1 Burgan
• Visits: 15 (Up 8)
• Attendance: 56 (down 5%)
• Average Contacts: 38 or 29% (Up 3%)
• Record Accuracy: 91% (down 3%)

• Conducted a Club VBS in June at the Talley’s house. First VBS in four years. Twelve kids and around fifteen volunteers involved.
• Kits for Kids was held at Rose Hill Baptist in July. Waldrop provided two bins of supplies and volunteers assisted with serving food and guiding families.
• The Burgan group had its July fellowship on 7/22 after Sunday School at Hollywood Connection.

• There will be a Promotion Sunday on Sunday August 12, 2012. This is the Sunday before school starts back (Muscogee County Calendar). We will hold the award presentation at the end of the service because the service is early and most kids are not at the church until the latter part of the service. Then we will hold a church wide potluck after Sunday School. I have received much feedback from members who want to have a potluck. This event would be a good time to hold one as we celebrate the start of a new school year. Waldrop has not had a church wide potluck since March 27th 2011.
• A VBS evaluation was conducted after this year’s VBS so as to plan for next year. I have the evaluation if anyone wants to fill one out. One thing of note is that it is felt that it would be better to hold VBS at the church, but that will have to be determined on our funding for air conditioning in the summer next year. I ask the committee to please increase funding on the electric bill in 2013 for events such as VBS, summer mission projects, and using classrooms in the upper floor of the building. I would like to suggest seriously looking into a flat rate plan that many people use in their own homes.
• I would like to have a month of prayer for VBS planning this month. Next month we will look into appointing a VBS director to begin planning budget, dates, and the theme for next year. I have a calendar of prayer topics for each day available.


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Columbus, Georgia, United States