Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spring Forward: Prospects, Roll Books, and Mentoring

Today I was excited to see that we had 72 people in Sunday School at Waldrop. This was not just because we were up by 7 from last week or that we are now over 20% above our Sunday School average this month from last year. No, the main reason for my excitement for our good turnout this week was that this was the week we had to tun our clocks ahead one hour the night before. When attendance surges on one of the worst days of the year for Sunday School attendance, it give me confidence that we are going in the right direction.
This past Wednesday, I finished the remainder of our new Sunday School roll books. Not only are they nice, but they are convienient for all our needs for the class secretary. Each roll contains:
  1. A presentation binder with pockets
  2. A pencil or pen
  3. Attendance/Enrollment Roll
  4. Member Info
  5. New Member Info
  6. Prospect Info
  7. Announcements
  8. Leadership Info
  9. Paper
  10. Visitor Cards/Envelopes/Post Cards
This week I also began watching the series "Evangelism Through the Sunday School" from Sunday School Open Groups of the GBC. It brought to my attention the need for prospects in the Sunday School. I will be organizing the master prospect list this week and the prospect lists for each class thereafter.
Pastor Mike and I will be speaking to the church about getting involved in the Sunday School mentoring program beginning later this year. It is sponsered by Sunday School Open Groups of the GBC.
Next week we will talk about our last goal in our Sunday School mission.

My week:
3/17: Wednesday Night Supper and Service - 5:30 @ Waldrop
3/20: Spring Clean Up - 9 to 12 @ Waldrop
3/21: Leadership Meeting - 9:15 @ Waldrop Library
Sunday School and Morning Service - 9:45 @ Waldrop
Deacons Meeting and Church Council - 4:30 @ Waldrop Meeting Room

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Columbus, Georgia, United States