Sunday, March 28, 2010

Enjoy Christian Fellowships and Minister to the members Part 2: Fellowships

The Discovery class had their monthly fellowship Saturday at Lakebottom Park. It was a great time had by all 19 of us that went. Yes, that's right, we had 19 people show up for our picnic at Lakebottom! We had such a great turnout despite the weather being a little more chilly than was forecast. What is the secret to our success? Here are some things we did and are doing.

1. We have fellowships every month. Classes that do not fellowship at least once a quarter are not developing relationships as well as classes that do. Fellowships can strengthen the membership and reach out to non-members at the same time. Plus it's fun!

2. We have a class Fellowship Coordinator. Find someone who is good at planning fellowships. Click SSOG-Survey for a printable survey, then click SSOG-Scoresheet for a printable scoresheet from the GBC. Have the class take this and use the results to help discover your fellowship leader.

3. We pick events early and make adjustments by discussing the fellowship every Sunday. Plan the next fellowship soon after having one. Set the date, time, and location. Meet every week to discuss any adjustments that need to be made. Gradually take care of all the details such as cost, food, etc.

4. We invite every member in our class whether they are active, inactive, or a shut-in. Use e-mail, phone, or letter and use them often to inform them of any changes to the schedule. Everyone who is enrolled in your class should be allowed to participate.

5. We invite all prospects/visitors to our fellowships. Some prospects are not willing to join the Sunday School until a relationship is developed. Fellowships can provide an opportunity to develop those relationships. Make sure they are informed of any changes.

6. We invite all members of the family to attend. If our members or prospects have children, brothers, sisters, etc. we include them in our fellowship as well. This helps develop relationships and can also be another way to bring in more prospects. One family brought a prospect who was a friend of their child.

These 6 important factors and plenty of prayer and preparation are vital to success in our class fellowships. This has also helped our class enroll 9 members in just three months.

Sunday we had 3 baptisms. All three people attended our fellowship the day before. It is such a blessing to see people you know commit themselves to the Lord!

Next week is Easter! Then it will be time for my Spring Break. I look forward to the weekly Sunday School Leadership Meetings beginning this coming Sunday.

My Week:
Wednesday Night Supper/Service @ Waldrop March 31 beginning at 5:30

Easter Sunday/Weekly SS Leadership Meeting/Sunday School/Service @ Waldrop starting at 9:15

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Columbus, Georgia, United States