Sunday, July 11, 2010

Big Sunday!

I am so excited over the events and progress being made today! I had my first preparation meeting with my new youth teacher and I will be observing his first action next Sunday.
Soon after that, Mike Bixler agreed to become my second Administrative Assistant. The new administration is set up like so:

Sunday School Director - Troy Bartlett

Administrative Assistant of Records - Clay Bartlett

Administrative Assistant of Literature - Mike Bixler

I am also preparing to meet with other prospects for other positions later this week.
I completed three more tabs of the Sunday School manual and now have only eight of the fifteen tabs left to complete.
I have been working on preparations for Waldrop's first ever Sunday School Kick-off. We will have a meeting at 4:30 followed by our first fellowship meal since the end of school at 5:30. Finally, we will meet for our commissioning service at 6:30 with guest speaker Jimmy Blanton of the CBA.
I also made a letter for all Sunday School leaders inviting them to attend the GBA's Sunday School Training Session in Albany. I will be giving it out Wednesday.
I have to go to the prayer breakfast Tuesday. I will probably be post another blog then.

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Columbus, Georgia, United States